30 Vets students Strip Naked for a Naked Calendar to Support Better Mental Health

Some 30 students from the third and fourth-year classes at the University of Sydney's School of Veterinary Science bared all to raise money for charity the Black Dog Institute.
 Student vets at the University of Sydney have stripped off for a naked calendar
 The calendar will raise money for mental health charity Black Dog Institute
The calendar will raise money for mental health charity Black Dog InstituteCredit: Credit: Pen News/Vets Bare In Mind
 The group met for the shoot at sunrise
 Organisers said they had chosen mental health because it's a cause particularly important to vets
 The suicide rate for vets in Australia is four times the national average

Fuchter said the early-morning shoot for the calendar saw nerves among many of her classmates, but that everyone soon relaxed.
"I would say that most people were apprehensive but volunteered once sign-ups started to increase - there's safety in numbers," she said.
"There were also people at either end of the enthusiasm spectrum.
"Some had been looking forward to participating in the calendar since starting their degree, others were adamant they weren't going to take part then ended up giving in to the fear of missing out."
"We started off with a shoot at sunrise down by the lake, where there were definitely some nerves!
"However, as the day progressed, people became increasingly comfortable and relaxed around one another, which was great to see."
The school is the leading veterinary centre in Australia.
Its has been producing a nude calendar for over ten years, generating almost $100,000 AUD (£53,000) for a variety of charities.
Credit: Credit: Pen News/Vets Bare In Mind
