The popular story is that Dele Giwa was killed with a letter bomb and over the years no one has seen his body but was only a story for every normal Nigerian of today. But a facebook user with the name
Laureen Makinde has today share a rear image of Dele Giwa lifeless body with the caption below...
Its not today that dictators, tyrants and temporal self declared gods who are mere mortals have been disrupting history with their murderous escapades.
33 years ago-Dele Giwa was dispatched to the other side with a letter bomb from the evil machinations of the evil genius who think they hold the world by the jugular...
Today they are living on borrowed time awaiting their inevitable meeting with destiny and eventual meeting with the one they killed
So long brother...Dele Giwa-Continue to RIP:
16th March 1947-19th October 1986"
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